Yes, it's been way too long since I've updated, but I'm still here. So many things have happened in the last month that they deserve a brief re-cap. So, my friends, take in a few weeks in the life of Erin, in no particular order.
1. I'm teaching
To Kill a Mockingbird, my favorite book ever
. Joy.
2. Brendan and I visited the niece in Fort Worth, and I can't believe how fast she's growing up. While there, I was sexually harassed by a five-year-old when we visited the children's museum; as I bent over he declared, "I can see your bottom!" Lovely child.
3. We celebrated our two-year anniversary at a bed-and-breakfast that's on the land of my grandparents' old ranch in Blanco County. Even though they don't live there anymore, it was wonderful to show Brendan a piece of my childhood.
4. Spring Break destination = Vegas! I've never been, and the trip should be the perfect mini-vacation. I could invoke an abundance of Vegas cliches right about now, but I'll spare you. See, I bet you're thinking of them already.
5. I'm officially halfway through the school year, so I count that milestone as a little victory.