Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Crazy, Book-Filled Life

I've been a delinquent blogger lately because my life currently consists of the following three activities: school, Brendan, and sleep. Most of the time, I'm reading. If I'm not reading, I'm hanging out with Brendan. If I'm not doing either one, I'm probably sleeping. (I must admit, though, in undergrad I was usually one of those semi-committed students for whom sleep almost always trumped homework. But I've learned my lesson in grad school.)

I live a crazy, school-filled life at the moment, but I actually don't hate it like I thought I might. (That realization probably means I was destined to be an English major.) My Comps reading load is insane and sometimes overwhelming, combined with being a student in two classes and a teacher in another. But it's not so bad. I love my Comps topic -- gender performance and the construction of gender -- and enjoy reading about it. I like my classes (they're all Comp/Rhet this semester... yay!). And while teaching 107 is challenging in many ways, the class is fun and will be a great learning experience. Basically, I'm a nerd; but I don't mind.

Brendan and I celebrated our second married Valentine's Day on Saturday with dinner at Cypress Street Station, which has become one of my favorite "date" locations. It's a local restaurant (with steak to die for), and I'll really miss it when we move. The reality of leaving Abilene is beginning to hit hard. For most of my time at ACU, I've been itching to get out of Dodge; I couldn't wait to leave this small, provincial town behind. Now, I'm realizing all the things I'll miss: the entire ACU English department, professors and students included; Cajun Cones; and the easy pace of a friendly town, among others. I've been ready to move on for so long, ready to move to a bigger city with bigger opportunities; but leaving this small, West Texas town will be bittersweet.

Valentine's dinner


Kayla said...

Yay! I've been checking so often to see if you've updated. I love Cypress Street! The restaurant I miss the most though is...Sharky's! It's so hard to get a decent burrito up here. We have Chipotle, but it just doesn't compare. I'm going to be in Abilene for Hannah's graduation in May. Hopefully we can get together at least for a little bit. (I'm sure you'll be busy with your graduation, as well!)

Kalyn Gensic said...

I know what you mean about leaving Abilene. The other day, I got this strong craving to walk Gus in the park because the University Apartments. BJ and I both look at Abilene through rose-tinted glasses, and that is perfectly okay. I think it is really good to have a place in your past that feels you with nostalgic memories of love and friendship and good food. I bet Abilene will be that place for you just like it is for me.

Good luck with the rest of the semester! And way to go on embracing you nerdiness. I love being a nerd as well!